What's the Difference?

Coaching is a type of support where the you and your coach form a collaborative relationship to assess where you are, what you want to be different in a specific area and how you can achieve that. It focuses on the present possibilities and mapping out a plan for future success levels by helping clients identify their goals, develop strategies, and take proactive steps to create the life they desire. Coaching sessions are interactive, dynamic, and tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Your coach serves as a supportive ally, providing guidance, encouragement, and accountability along your journey of growth and transformation. There are many kinds of coaching focuses, below are the ones we offer:

Life coaching is like having a personal guide who helps you set and achieve goals, make positive changes in your life, and discover your strengths and passions.

Career coaching helps individuals explore career options, make career decisions, and develop the skills needed to succeed in their chosen field.

Business coaching focuses on helping entrepreneurs and business owners improve their skills, overcome challenges, and grow their businesses.

Counseling is a type of support where you talk to a trained professional about your feelings, thoughts, and experiences to help you work through problems or challenges. It typically addresses past experiences, emotional issues, and tends to focus on mental health concerns. This is the only area where we will explore past traumas, family dysfunctional patterns impacting choices and treating diagnosable mental health disorders and teaching coping skills.

Consulting involves hiring an expert or specialist to provide advice, solutions, or recommendations on specific issues or challenges within the consultant's area of knowledge. The consultant will make direct statements of opinions for steps to take based on the client's goals, needs, wants and outcome probability. The client is paying for the consultant's knowledge and expertise and is asking for a direct answer to provide the help for growth and problem solving instead of helping guide the client toward their own decisions.

Investment differences?

Coaching is usually offered as a packaged number of sessions with a specific focus priced per month.

Counseling is the only type of help that allows you to use your insurance to bill for sessions. Sessions are billed one at a time. If you have not met your deductible, you pay the full amount until you have met it then you pay your copay amount, which is decided by your insurance company. This is medical in nature and HIPPA applies, but there are times when insurance will share your private information that may impact your ability to foster, adopt or become employed or promoted by certain industries.

Consulting is offered on an hourly basis at a higher rate than the other services due to the nature of consultations being from businesses and due to the expense of maintaining a level of expertise and knowledge.

white concrete building during daytime
white concrete building during daytime
white concrete building during daytime
white concrete building during daytime
A curved facade covered in white latticework
A curved facade covered in white latticework